There are lots of Jersey Boys but only one Frankie Vallie boasted a recent review of Frankies’ Australian Tour. The Masseuse (TM) invited me along to Frankies show at the Lyric Theatre the other night to see how true this statement was? It had been a show I had been looking forward to seeing for many months.

Anyway, the day arrived and after TM and I got ready we decided to test out Sydneys Light Rail system from my place to the Casino.  It had been a gorgeous sunny day that had changed to a bit overcast. I checked the weather report, Mmmm 70% chance of rain. Ah no worries, no need for a brolly or so I thought. We just made it around the corner to Campbell St Tram stop before the first pitter patters came raining down on our heads, threatening to wreck my blow dry. Bah!

Anyway the light rail was a treat. Fast and easy. we sailed past the Capitol Theatre, Cyrils Deli, Paddys Market, The Exhibition Centre and finally to the the Casino. We had a bit of time so we had dinner and a couple of drinks there before making our way to the Lyric Theatre.

TM and I decided the Frankie Valli audience tended to be an older crowd than we had seen last month at the Opera House. Again, we were asked not to take photos so I don’t have many to show you. Now Frankie is 77 years old, that is quite an age for a performer and we wondered what kind of show we would be seeing?  

The lights dimmed and the band took the stage.  Mmm impressive, an Australian six piece brass section. Ha! I LOVE horns! Two guatarists and a base player. One keyboardist who played other instruments and a drummer. Four backing singers and Frankie. Wow, this was going to be a great show with an rich sound.  Frankie himself is this tiny, frail, old guy but gee what a voice.  In the first couple of numbers, we wondered if he was lip synching because his style is he scarely opens his mouth but yet there is this incredibly powerful sound. In any case we saw him reach behind and play with his pick up a few times and we realised we were in fact seeing a live performance.

Frankie Belted out all his old hits and told a few jokes too. No doubt about it he is an engaging performer. Frankie recounted when Tom Jones is on stage he gets pelted with womens panties and this little old guy taking a forlorn glance around his own barren stage ha ha.  I would have like to have helped out but had at the last minute decided to go commando. Frankie then encouraged the audience to throw cash and credit cards and buy his cd sold outside in the foyer ha ha.

We were treated to quite a show “Walk Like A Man”, “Rag Doll”, “Grease”, “Sherry”, “December 1963”, “My Eyes Adored You” and the 1967 solo hit “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”. It was a top performance by a real showman. Thanks to TM and we made our way back to Haymarket to once again thoroughly enjoy an intimate evenings entertainment.